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Ways you can get involved


There are numerous ways you can support the mission. We need everything from your prayers and best wishes to your time, your skills, and financial support. Here some of the different areas where you can participate.



Mission meetings are on the first Monday of each month at 7 PM in the parish office building. Everyone is welcome to attend. Meetings are generally informal and you can just listen or participate at level you feel comfortable.


Mission planning and preparation

The mission meetings help decide what activities will be done during the next mission iteration but there is much work to be done throughout the rest of the month. Collecting supplies, designing and building specialized equipment, training and practicing some of the skills to be used, publicizing the mission, and boxing and shipping supplies are all areas that need volunteers. It is a complicated process using all manner of skills: medical, electrical, managerial, creative, interpersonal. Regardless of what your skills are, they can probably be used to assist our brothers and sisters in Haiti.



Mission work in Haiti

Going to Haiti and doing any part of the work is challenging, physically and emotionally, but it is also supremely rewarding. Just ask anyone who has gone even just once; ask the ones who have been 26 times.


Donate and support the mission

This mission has a long history. The needs are great and Immaculate Conception Parish has committed to long-term support that has grown over the years. The St Jules medical clinic and staff care for sixty-five thousand inhabitants, your generous support changes, and even saves, many of these lives.


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