History of our Relationship
The growth of St. Jules Medical Clinic, St. Jules school and other programs are the result of collaboration between Immaculate Conception parish in Clarksville, TN and the St. Jules parish in Tibouk.
The Parish Twinning Program of the Americas founded in the 1970s has helped over 350 Catholic parishes in the US form twinning relationships with Catholic parishes in Haiti. Catholic parishes in the United States responded wholeheartedly by sending financial aid, medical teams, undertaking water projects and repairing and building schools. In return they came to know people who in spite being the poorest of the poor inspired them by their deep faith, resiliency and joy. It is rightly called a twinning because both parishes benefit from the relationship.
In 1979, the people of Immaculate Conception parish in Clarksville, TN began a twinning relationship with the people of St. Jules parish in Petit Bourg du Borgne, Haiti. This remote village which goes by the nickname of "Tibouk" is located in the mountainous Northwest region of Haiti. In 1995, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, or ICCC for short ,formed a Haiti Ministry that decided to establish a personal relationship with St. Jules in addition to providing financial support. That same year a group of parishioners visited for the first time the parish of St. Jules in the village of Tibouk. A close connection was formed and has grown through annual visits and weekly communication.