Note from the Father Snell - May 2021
The Saint Jules Parish of Petit-Bourg du Borgne(Tibouk), the only religious institution to have a health center, exerts a great influence on the population deprived of all state social services.
People refer to the Parish for everything in health care. They are not aware of our limitations in this matter.
Although we have very much appreciated our current practice of sending patients to the Hospital Sacred Heart in Milot. However, sending pregnant women in need of childbirth carries too much risk for both the mother and the unborn baby.
It has happened to me to urgently drive to Milot Hospital a woman with childbirth whose baby had died in her womb on the way. Upon arriving at the hospital, the woman in question was taken directly to the operating room. The worst part was that the car had a puncture which delayed our arrival at the hospital.
With the repetition and multiplication of cases of placental complications, it becomes imperative to open a maternity section at Clinique St. Jules. We will be able to have a gynecological consultation room, a delivery room, and a maternity room (post-delivery room). A pediatric ward automatically becomes necessary. At present, it is a vital and very suitable project that we are planning for the benefit of our poor families in the Parish.
In addition, the Parish is involved in the education of children through the St. Jules School. This school is in the process of becoming a benchmark school again. Parents are much more confident and appreciate our efforts to provide a quality education for their children.
We still have to offer young people training in manual trades by creating a technical school. This is another priority for the Parish. While offering young people the opportunity to learn a manual trade and to plan for a better future, this school will help reduce juvenile delinquency and the rate of social crime. There are too many young people who are idle. At the pastoral level, the Parish is very dynamic and proactive. We seek to empower parishioners and retrain old pastoral leaders and complete the team by training new pastoral agents. This is a way for us to ensure good continuity of the participatory mission. The repair of the various chapels over the past three years has created a better presence of the people and added to the liveliness of the Parish.
Your Fr. Snell